
The Bus and Other Stories

The book is a collection of twelve tales about people in strange situations from a bus that never lets its passengers get off to a soldier who helps a buddy out of trouble. These stories were written during a time when slick magazines flourished, pulp fiction was popular, and magazines were in great demand. Time changes everything, unfortunately not always for the better.

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About the Author

Craig Conrad resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He has been hooked on mysteries and supernatural thrillers since reading his first H.P. Lovecraft novel. He has written twenty novels—fourteen of them are Paul Rice novels, his reluctant paranormal investigator, with cameo appearances in two others that feature two of his war buddies along with two Dutch Verlander stories, and a collection of short stories.


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Enjoy this collection of 12 short stories about people in strange situations.

ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781669836957
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9781669836964
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781669836940

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